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Monday, May 24, 2004

Good polys,while they may not always agree with them, will usually listen to experts, especially experienced local ones. VEAC, for example would be full of experienced scientific and practical experts able to speak honestly and widely without the constraints of tight terms of reference, wouldn't they?
When the likes of highly experienced researchers like Attwell, Hodgson and Packam have to take the trouble in their retirement to visit NE locals to remind them they are on the right track about things as diverse as biodiversity to back fires - you wouldn't think any self respecting Victorian Labour person could ALLOW yet another piece of half baked legislation being pushed through in the same month on the same subject . Labor members will of course ..know what they said and... if they do.. trust someone else?

This Vic Labour majority will surely be remembered in history - Not only for the number of bills , but their very poor quality . For its complacency, cyniscm and the huge range of half baked bills it excitedly pushed through in the name of the best intention ( read that hero B Shaw 's book on the subject -you still need to ) .

Monday, May 03, 2004

Just how out of touch can Canberra get?
In ecological terms, ( the olde frog and water story ) if you heat the water up with ONLY one important imperative like the competition imperative, you don't even know your killing people when everyone adjusts to the nice warmth of something held so simply in isolation? Ecological and economic systems die if ALL the forces aren't held in tension... constantly

Great to see some talk on the ABC about these issues. John Cleary Sunday nights
The Old cultural cringe , though , is still very evident . "What would hick country people know "( eg one caller on Katter - "he hasn't even got a passport") Well they actually observe ecosystems very closely mate !That's a very good start!

Take this simple piece of faith " Life in rural A ustralia s doesn't have a future" according to Michael Duffy .And how does he KNOW this?- "well it just is "( knowledge is belief for those who carelessly chant with the Canberra sect)
I mean they don't have to look any further, dig any deeper -

Isn't it great how labour and liberals are in such a smoochy mood over economic policy - the invisible clothes haven't looked any better for years!. http:/users.gsat.net.au/ tuf

We who study both ecosystems and economies KNOW they haven't got the big picture .......but will they listen ? oh no ; We believe what some ( of our very own cloned) academics and the multinationals tell us . All major parties in the Canberra sect trust the bookkeepers and their high priests.

"The Economy is going well according to the ledger . The new clothes of competition policy are delivering like nothing ever did before,,,, or ever will ( ottherwise we may have to wake up during our sittings!) ! AFTER ALL -THERE ARE ONLY TWO COLUMNS THAT MATTER ------AREN'T THERE ? "

It gets worse as the chants out of Canberra are louder, more insistent, more comfortable -more fanatical http:/ourland3.tripod.com

Surely, when the major parties agree to something as complex to model as the economy , we know we're in trouble -only one view . monoculture
It makes them happy - they think they are the only ones who recognised Marxisms and the far left's heresies -
Trouble is there is no passion ; even when they are all in church during the week .

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