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Monday, February 28, 2005

WA --Libs Blow it again with blunt edged bulldozer tactics . promoting "the canal". The opposition could have HAD their cake and eaten it too - but NO they had to worship the machine in style as well as content and ignore the publics right desire for a sign of caution and cutting edge water conservation that really counts.

Noone expects to win the popularity poll by constantly buying the extreme green vote. But The libs really missed the boat again by hiding again behind a bulldozer and their old stand aside business bulldozer tactics.

Many thinking people are not against using bulldozers , but they want them to be used with caution. What is sustainable in conservation terms? Something that not only wins votes but works and does not treat the earth as though it doesn't need to be respected .A proper independant review would have told them that simple fact and helped them steer a sound way through a production "do something course". Now they have blown it .

The people are not stupid about balance - it may be Ok but " lets look at it carefully . as one corresp to the ABC said

VOX POP 9: I'm really concerned about the canal. I think it's a great idea, but I think we need to look at it more thoroughly before we say we'll definitely do it, otherwise I would have been voting Liberal for sure.

TONY EASTLEY: So the canal has interested you but it's created doubt in your mind
as well? (abc .net)

Monday, February 21, 2005

Thank God there is someone in the ACT like Doonan and the Stanhope government (Current coronial enquiry) who are prepared to stand up to the wishywashiness and imbalance that undermines labors cutting edge and still drives most of the old guard to simple half baked overly idealistic and impractical ideas hatched in their favoured bunker holes.( see stockadestate)

Their presummed mentor Bernard Shaw could see that the greatest evil is done in the name of "the best intention departments" . Why can't they?
weed out the enshriners and the impractical and inexperienced fanatics before someone else gets killed in the name of the best intentions.

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