Thursday, September 01, 2005
Nip it in the bud .
While there is no easy out , Leaders who want to avoid being crucified by the media as Bronwyn and Lib leader have been ,need to use the net better . You have to learn to blog answers and see the other questions quickly - it will take time, but its worth it -----in five years time you watch !
And the cuurent controllers in media will be seen to be what they are - seeking to run their own agendas and too often sloppy and snide. Currently they seldom get caught out because they "cut off" . Take away their current control levers by "cutting to blog"
When thinking people realise they can get all the news they need from sources they trust they will not be so vulnerable to the current collection of medai bootleneck merchants. The media control everything with "time to go now" crap of control - when did they ever refer you to "links" .
While there is no easy out , Leaders who want to avoid being crucified by the media as Bronwyn and Lib leader have been ,need to use the net better . You have to learn to blog answers and see the other questions quickly - it will take time, but its worth it -----in five years time you watch !
And the cuurent controllers in media will be seen to be what they are - seeking to run their own agendas and too often sloppy and snide. Currently they seldom get caught out because they "cut off" . Take away their current control levers by "cutting to blog"
When thinking people realise they can get all the news they need from sources they trust they will not be so vulnerable to the current collection of medai bootleneck merchants. The media control everything with "time to go now" crap of control - when did they ever refer you to "links" .