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Thursday, April 05, 2007

A matter of mere money, or quantity , surely 

Mr Turnbull types are just what Howards team needs . Persons who are confident and who do not let the complex issues of governance get in the road of solving them - get through " the stuff " types . He knows a lot about water - lots more than Treasury do it seems - he's strong enough to go out into the catchmnets and procliam the gospel of "we can do all things through the treasury who doth finance us" .and like money , water is only important for its volume.

Mt Turnbull types are just what Howards team needs,provided they can see past their own ignorance ,,,
Mt Turnbull types are just what Howards team needs but Mt Turnbull is not what Howards team needs . He's too shallow and focused on the mere maths of the problem - a numbers man .

Paradoxically the mere maths merchants are being alienated . "Treasury don't know anything about water" , but he does he says !
Below the surface scratching of the moment is a issue called water quality . while the dummies ( incl state _ are focused on the temperal and superficail issue of mere quantity, the more concrete and ball tearing issues of quality will probably undermine the credibility of the grand water plan.

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