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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Is Rudd really the problem ? 

Yesterday's Australian had Kevin Rudd in its sights . Laborites unhappy with all the political wussiness need to remember only one thing . Most of it comes clearly from Cabinet .
Wongs grand entourage wanders while Labor's reputation for talking simple kindergarten nonsense burns holes in every roof they try to cover . If you think about it , Rudd might have said something about climate change , but he's not the one whose failed to deliver on it. Wongs reliance on the market is hypocrisy and stupidity of the highest order.
Is Gillard any different. Most thinking Aussies might wonder about Garrett but he's the most consistently sound talker amongst em . Wong by comparison says the same thing over and over again suggesting the politics is simple;whose simple ere eh ?

Maybe the unhappy campers need to recognise that Kevin is and was their best choice. He's kept the mess under wraps! a good leader ?
If Labor want to survive another term they better deal with the internal mess or they will be history and the federal dream with it

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